June 12, 2020 JGreen

“True Repentance”

In a family bible study the other night my husband read to us a biblical definition of what repentance means. I have often wondered why there is not more spoken about true repentance in the church today, since it was the message of John the baptist, Jesus, and the apostles of the first church.

Based on scripture, repentance would be the starting point of salvation in Jesus. Matthew 4;17 “From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” John also spoke the same words in Matthew 3, so the message was simple and clear.

According to Nelson’s bible dictionary repentance is a much deeper action than a confession of sin. Its exact definition reads, “a turning away from sin, disobedience, or rebellion and a turning back to God. A change of mind, a feeling of remorse or regret for past conduct. True repentance is a godly sorrow for sin, an ACT of turning around and going in the opposite direction. This type of repentance leads to a fundamental change in a person’s relationship to God.

It was also explained that repentance and faith are a two sided coin. That when one repents, they turn away from sin and then by faith they turn to God. After all what we really believe or have faith in will result in some action on our part. James states that faith without works is dead, because true faith will motivate us to action. We also have to remember the importance of calling on the Holy Spirit once we have repented and put our faith In Jesus Christ.

I was reading in Matthew 4 this morning where Jesus had just been baptized by John and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him like a dove. Matthew 3:17 ” And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. So Father God has declared who Jesus is by His spoken word. We see from this passage that the Power of God through His Holy Spirit is with Jesus and His identity is made clear by Gods word.

In chapter 4 of Matthew, Jesus is led into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. He had fasted 40 days and nights so His flesh was weak and hungry. Satan comes to us in our weak moments to tempt us to sin, as he did with Jesus. Jesus declares in Matthew 4:4 ” It is written, “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” We need to learn from Jesus here how to respond to temptation. First of all, saying it is written is the beginning of our part. We can’t fight the battle in our head. We must speak the word of God out loud.

The word is the truth and always trumps what the enemy has to say! This is a weapon of warfare that is not carnal but mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds as stated in 2 Corinthians 10:4. In Ephesians 6 where it describes the armor of God , the sword of the spirit is the word of God. You are only using your sword, when you are speaking the word.

The next temptation is interesting because the enemy actually uses the word this time, but out of context. Jesus responds in Matthew 4:7 It is written again, Thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God.” Jesus is teaching us here how well the enemy knows the word and how he will use it out of context to try and get us to sin. This is where satan says ,”If your really the son of God”?

Think about this scenario for a moment. The enemy always wants us to question our identity and be tempted to have to prove it to someone or even to ourselves. It is vital for you to know your identity “In Jesus Christ”. This is solely based on what Gods word says about who you are in Jesus, not the way you think or feel. This is faith! If we live by our feelings and emotions we will be like a wave tossed to and fro, refer to this entire passage in James 1. It states here that the wavering man can’t expect to receive anything from God. Start speaking, praying, and declaring who you are in Jesus according to the word.

Once we have repented of sin, believed on Jesus and received the Holy Spirit then we are equipped to have victory over the enemy. I would highly recommend spending time in the word and asking the Holy Spirit to teach you and help you to focus on Jesus strength through you rather than your human frailties. We have faith in something every day. we must make sure our faith is focused on Jesus and the truth of what God says about us rather than the enemies temptations to always be focused on self.

This is a trap friends. We all have weaknesses and we all need Jesus every day. It is a choice what we meditate on. the bible tells us to meditate on the word day and night, then we will be prosperous according to Psalm 1. Every day we have a decision to make, what we will set our minds on. Will it be self, because if it is, how depressing. Human strength and wisdom can only go so far, but Gods truth is eternal. Nothing is impossible for God! With true repentance and faith in Jesus, we have been reconciled with God! 2 Corinthians 5:18 ” And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us of Himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given us the ministry of reconciliation.

Thank you Jesus for doing what we could not and thank you God for sending Jesus to reconcile us back to you! I challenge you to Pray Psalm 139:23&24. Lord show us how to be doers of your word and keep our eyes on Jesus. In Jesus name I ask, Amen!

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